You will be shaken from the strength and energy of these waterfalls

Iceland is often called the land of waterfalls. Not just like that — on the territory of Iceland there are about a hundred beautiful waterfalls, ranging from such a giant as Dettifoss to the majestic Svartifoss, they are the most recognizable and popular attraction of the country.

The climate of Iceland is greatly influenced by the Atlantic and Arctic oceans. Thanks to the warm Atlantic Ocean, it often rains and snows throughout the country, while the proximity of the Arctic is the reason for the formation of large glaciers that melt in summer and fill many rivers in the country with water. It is these streams of water that collide with irregularities across the island, created by diverging tectonic plates, and form waterfalls of incredible beauty.

We decided to take and show you the most memorable waterfalls in Iceland… (read more)

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