Why do the Japanese fold the end of toilet paper into a triangle?

Why you need to be more careful when you see this (for example, in a hotel)

Those who have been to Japan at least once, most likely, had to observe rolls of toilet paper with the ends bent in the form of a triangle. This is found not only in Japan, but also in some countries in Asia and Europe. What does this mean? Why should a person who notices such a thing be careful? We will talk about this in the article.

Which means the triangle at the end of the roll the Japanese are very hospitable. They love to show small but very pleasant courtesies to their guests. The triangular fold at the end of the toilet paper roll signifies a greeting and a sign that you are welcome. They are usually left in toilets located in offices, restaurants, bars and other public places. In hotels, the triangular fold may have a different meaning. This is a sign that the room has recently been cleaned.

Why vigilance is important this expression of Japanese hospitality raises some doubts about hygiene. Agree to fold the end of the paper in this way, you need to hold it in your hands. It’s one thing if the end of the roll is pleated with a gloved cleaning lady. However, even with gloves, she not only does toilet paper, but also cleaning the room and the toilet. It is unlikely that she changes gloves before constructing a sign of greeting on a roll of paper. Therefore, it is better to tear off such an edge before use. With paper, the situation is simple, which cannot be said about towels, from which various figures are made in Turkish hotels. It is, of course, beautiful. But is it hygienic? As you can see, signs of attention are always pleasant, but not always appropriate. We cannot change the traditions existing in other countries. But we can and must be vigilant… (read more)

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