Vrsar — a small colored pearl of the Adriatic

“Vrsar is a small medieval town located between Rovinj and Porec, right next to the Lim Bay, which stretches inland for several kilometers. The spectacular landscapes of the Adriatic coast, the developed resort infrastructure and the authentic atmosphere of the Middle Ages attract tourists who are looking for peace and quiet.

Vrsar is above all a color! Color in everything! If the town were flat and black and white, there would definitely be nothing to do here. Doors, windows, roofs, numerous pots of flowers and greenery — all this creates a pleasant cacophony of colors The streets are located relatively radially and change their angle of inclination depending on the relief. It is quite hot in Vrsar in summer, so you can hide from the heat only in the shade of some buildings and in small cozy cafes… (read more)

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