Valery Meladze writes a book about his love affairs.

When a popular person runs out of fantasy or just gets bored with what he has been doing for a long time, he begins to crave self-expression through creativity in a different format.

In this case, singers are often abandoned from writing books to painting pictures, or to theatrical performances, in which they are undoubtedly not as good as singing, but they still want to express themselves.

Valery Meladze decided to start small and started writing a book. Meladze noted that he will write a book about his romantic adventures and love affairs, which continue to this day.

Meladze admitted that until now, a master of seduction and many ladies dream of spending the night with him, this will be his future book.

Valery also promised to devote most of the book to advice for young guys who are eager to win the attention of the opposite sex, but fail. The artist admits that before he became an avid walker, he had to receive more than a thousand rejections.

Now we just have to wait for Meladze’s book to reach the publishing house and be released. Valery has already promised to give each of his colleagues a copy of the book with a personal signature, so that it remains as a keepsake and flaunts on their shelves… (read more)

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