Valeria will become a mother again

Very ambiguous news began to appear in all news publications in Russia from the family of Valeria. The family of the famous Russian star reports that they expect a replenishment, but not everything is so simple.

Journalists all over the country thought that the singer would become a grandmother, but the reality seems to be much more interesting. Colleagues on the stage have long noted the singer’s unnaturally large belly, which she tried in every possible way to hide with clothes of large sizes and in various other ways.

It got to the point of ridiculousness, Valeria rejected her pregnancy, citing illness or an overly satisfying dinner. She also tried to deceive many colleagues, saying that she had recovered naturally and this had nothing to do with the upcoming birth.

Now everything has already become clear, Valeria’s stomach is so large that it makes no sense to hide anything. The singer admitted that she and Iosif Prigozhniy are expecting another baby, and they will have a replenishment in their family.

The gender of the child is not yet known exactly, but this is not important, because there were those on the network who discourages the singer from such a step. Mostly these are women who write that Valeria is no longer young and such changes in her body can be harmful… (read more)

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