Top-5 most unusual and unexpected deserts of our planet

At the mention of the desert, our consciousness gives out a rather stereotypical and boring picture — endless sultry expanses full of dry scorching sand and rare vegetation. Well, one cannot argue with this idea, because the Earth can really throw us into such places, for reliability. But if all your knowledge about such an interesting phenomenon as deserts ends there, this article is just what you need. After all, for sure at least once each of us wondered — why, once-blooming, rich in representatives of fauna and flora, small towns turned into lifeless sands, from which only fear and death blow? And are there deserts where it is possible to survive? And what if there are even beautiful ones that will not only not repel, but even call, beckon to explore their expanses? The answers are in the article below. Top 10 most unusual and unexpected deserts of our planet. Happy reading!

  1. Simpson (or Arunta)

The Australian Simpson Desert is distinguished by an unusual and, undoubtedly, beautiful sand color — red. Surprisingly, bright sand dunes can rise to a height of forty meters, while the desert itself is located at one hundred and seventy kilometers, where, in addition to hills of red sand, there are also small stone islands. Interestingly, Simpson is bounded on three sides by rivers or lakes. Also, the desert became the last refuge for several rare species of Australian desert animals, for which it received the status of a National Park. And, despite the frequent sandstorms and the heat, which is quite capable of reaching five hundred degrees, the Arunta Desert has become a very popular destination for truly fearless tourists.

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