TOP 5 largest volcanoes in the world

  1. The largest volcano in the world: Tamu Massif — 4000 meters

«How, only 4000 meters — and the largest volcano in the world?» — the reader may be indignant. Yes, Tamu’s height is not very impressive. But let’s take a closer look at it from all sides. Most of the largest natural objects in the world were discovered by mankind long ago, at the dawn of its existence. But the Tamu massif — the largest volcano on planet Earth — has managed to hide from people for many years. It is amazing that humanity knew more about the huge volcanoes on Mars than about the giant mountain under its very nose. The reason for this is both its remote location (it is more than 1,600 km east of Japan) and its depth. Its top is immersed in the thickness of the World Ocean for 2000 km. It was only in 2013 that scientists discovered that the striking lava mountain at the bottom of the ocean is in fact one and only volcano. Its volume is approximately 2.5 million km3, and its area is more than 311 km2. Fortunately, he has been sleeping for a long time — the last eruption of Tamu was about 144 million years ago




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