TOP 5 largest volcanoes in the world

  1. Mauna Kea — 10,058 meters

«Sister» Mauna Loa rises almost 4267 meters above sea level. It seems to be a little, right? However, there is more potential hidden in Mauna Kea than meets the eye — its base is located deep under the water column at a depth of more than 6,000 meters.This makes Mauna Kea the tallest mountain in the world. If it were completely located on land, it would break the record of all the highest volcanoes in the world, surpassing the «land» favorite Ojos del Salado by almost 3000 m. At the top of Mauna Kea, there is very low humidity and there are almost never clouds — it now houses one of the largest observatories in the world. Mauna Kea arose over a hot spot of the earth — a place where hot and molten magma rises from the mantle layer of the Earth. For millions of years, molten rock escaping outward has created the surface of the entire Hawaiian archipelago. Mauna Kea is a dormant volcano; this means that it has been inactive for more than 4,000 years, and the hot point of magma emergence has shifted to the surface. However, inaction does not mean that he will doze forever.


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