TOP 5 largest volcanoes in the world

  1. Ojos del Salado — 6,893 meters

If the second and third places in the rating are the largest volcanoes in the world, if you count from the seabed, then Ojos del Salado is the highest volcano in the world, located above the sea surface. It rises 6,893 m above the ground. The giant mountain is located on the border between Argentina and Chile. Although the last active eruption of the volcano occurred even before the invention of writing by mankind — no data about it has survived — however, Ojos del Salado cannot be called sleeping in the full sense of the word. In the depths of a huge mountain, as if a mysterious hidden work is taking place, the echo of which reaches the terrestrial inhabitants in the form of clouds of steam and ash. The last such activity took place quite recently — in 1993.



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