TOP 5 largest volcanoes in the world

Active volcanoes can significantly alter the earth’s surface and affect the earth’s population. Today lithospheric plates continue to move, performing colossal work. Many huge volcanoes, created from lava layers, are hidden under the water surface or are located near major cities. Which of them are considered the largest? Scientists have not yet come to a consensus. Some believe that it is necessary to build a rating according to the height above sea level. Others — what to consider is the area over which the lava flows are spreading, forming a new surface. Still others — that the human factor is important first of all: the danger to human settlements. Therefore, for the rating of the largest volcanoes on planet Earth, we have chosen representatives of all types — the largest in area, and the highest, and the most dangerous active and extinct volcanoes.

  1. Kilimanjaro — 5,885 meters

The magnificent handsome Kilimanjaro is the visiting card of Africa, its largest volcano. The sleeping giant is actually three volcanic cones that are visible from almost anywhere in neighboring Tanzania and Kenya. Unlike many of the rated volcanoes, Kilimanjaro is the most famous volcano in the world, a typical stratovolcano. If you ask a child to depict him, most likely, he will draw a conical mountain, from the top of which ash, burning gases and very viscous lava are erupting, which quickly solidifies, building a cone higher and higher. This is a stratovolcano. The size of Kilimanjaro is 4800 km3, and its height is 5885 m. The last time the volcano was active at the dawn of mankind — 360,000 years ago… (read more)

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