The world’s most dangerous hiking trail

As delicious as Chinese tea is, it is not usually associated with an adrenaline rush and fear of death. However, Mount Huashan in China managed to combine both tea and adrenaline, because it is here that the most terrible and dangerous hiking trail in the world is located, along which tourists get directly to a tea house at an altitude of 2,160 meters.

Mount Huashan has been one of the most important places for Taoists since the second century BC — then a Taoist temple was built at its foot. Since then, pilgrims and monks have lived on and around the mountain. A network of dangerous trails allows them to reach five peaks, each of which has a religious building, such as a tea house. Together, these five peaks form the lotus petals. The trails have been fortified due to the recent influx of tourists, but nevertheless they are still very dangerous and have a bad reputation. They say that up to 100 people a year fall from these trails.

This trail has a bad reputation, but that hasn’t stopped many adventurers from trying this dangerous path for themselves… (read more)

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