The rarest gems and minerals


It was first encountered in Siberia during the last years of the nineteenth century. It acquired its name after the name of the Russian academician P.V. Eremeev. In its natural environment, it exists in the form of transparent, beautifully colored crystals. Its color does not differ in saturation and brightness. Eremeevite is sky blue, light yellow, pale green, but very often you can find colorless, very rarely dark blue. Nowadays, it is mined in Namibia, it is rarely found in Tajikistan, Germany, Madagascar. In the early seventies of the last century, beautiful light blue and yellowish crystals were found in Namibia, and their size reached ten centimeters, and then the eremeevite was «assigned» the status of a precious stone, and very expensive and rare. It is a hard, transparent stone with a bright shine. The price for one carat of eremeevite reaches $ 10,000.


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