The most expensive coffee in the world: prices, photos

  1. Black Ivory Coffee — over $ 500 per pound

Here it is, a drink that bears the proud title of «the most expensive coffee from excrement.» Like «Kopi-luwak», it is obtained from feces, not only Musang but Thai elephants who consume Arabica coffee beans and process them during the digestive process. Their stomach acid breaks down legume proteins and provides the drink with its characteristic mild flavor, devoid of bitterness. And digestion of the beans along with bananas and other components of the usual elephant diet gives Black Ivory coffee an earthy-fruity smell. The most expensive coffee in the dung is rare because elephants eat a lot of coffee beans, but they give out much less. To get one kilogram of Black Ivory, an animal must eat about 33 kilograms of fresh coffee berries. This brand is produced only in the north of Thailand and is available in the country’s elite resorts. The price of the most expensive coffee in the world reaches about $ 1,100 (71,000 rubles) per kilogram… (read more)



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