The longest hair in the world

  1. Ake Yizheng

Hair length — 5.5 meters.

This Chinese gentleman is the visible embodiment of what will happen if you don’t get your hair cut for 50 years or more. According to Ake, he stopped cutting his hair at the age of 23, and that was in the late 70s of the last century. He was even offered over three thousand yuan if he parted with excessively long hair on his head, but Ake refused. However, long hair is not at all a synonym for «unkempt». Twice a month Yizheng visits the hairdresser, where his hair is washed and tidied up. This takes at least three hours, and 2-3 hairdressers are involved in the procedure. It is curious that Ake Yizheng’s record is not officially registered, like his predecessor, a Vietnamese named Tran Van Hei. In the photo of the longest hair in the world, this elderly man looks more like a victim of a giant snake wrapped around him. His hair was 6 meters long and weighed over 10 kilograms. In 2010, Tran Wang Haye died of natural causes at the age of 79… (read more)


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