Soviet beauties

In the Soviet Union, there were no concepts of «glamorous diva», «sex symbol» or «show business star», but the most beautiful women of the 20th century in the USSR conquered the audience with their natural attractiveness and brilliant talent. Many of them were known not only at home, but also abroad. In the sixties, for example, the French magazine Candide included Natalia Kustinskaya in the list of the ten most beautiful actresses in the world, for many years Lyubov Orlova was the diva of the Soviet cinema screen. Emigrated Alla Nazimova became a Hollywood star.

The main beauties of the USSR attracted the attention of foreign directors and the jury of international film festivals. Young Irina Skobtseva for the role of Desdemona in the film «Othello» was awarded the title «Miss Charm» at the Cannes Film Festival, Rufina Nifontova was distinguished not only by her natural beauty, but also by a subtle sense of humor, and Tatiana Piletskaya conquered the audience with a daring look, proud posture and not at all classically beautiful facial features. The Soviet audience remembered Natalya Varley, “the beauty-athlete-komsomol member”, who had to choose between an established circus career and the world of cinema. Anastasia Vertinskaya looked into the very soul with her bewitching eyes, charming Lyubov Polishchuk was not afraid to be funny on the screen. Janet Agren of Soviet cinema — Tatyana Vedeneeva. She became truly famous after her role in the film «Hello, I’m your aunt.» In the mid-eighties, Tatyana Vedeneeva became a popular television presenter… (read more)

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