Philip Kirkorov spoke about his mortal sins

Philip Kirkorov gave an extensive interview for the magazine Cosmopolitan, in which he told the readers about his mortal sins that haunt him throughout his life.

  1. Gluttony. According to the famous celebrity, he loves to eat very much. Sometimes it reaches the point of absurdity, there are cases when Kirkorov recovered up to 120 kilograms, sometimes he even got into the camera lenses, but such pictures were strictly withdrawn from the editorial offices at the first complaint of the celebrity, no one could see him in such a form.
  2. Pride. The worst sin of Kirkorov, no one in the world loves himself as much as Kirkorov does. There are many portraits with his image hanging in his house. He loves to listen to his own songs.
  3. Laziness. According to Kirkorov, he is a terribly lazy person. The celebrity said that sometimes he needs to get ready for weeks in order to go to the studio and record one single song. All friends of Philip Kirkorov complain that it is impossible to get him out of the house. He always refuses various trips and does not want to communicate for more than 30 minutes… (read more)

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