Outlandish Tribe

Sea gypsies. All their lives they roam the waves between the Philippines, Malaysia and Indonesia, they spend their lives either in boats, fishing and pearling, or in houses on stilts near the coast.

Bajao live in community. They are faithful to the laws of their ancestors. In search of good prey, they can wander in the sea for many days, sailing ashore only in order, for example, to celebrate the holy month of Ramadan, to bury the body of the deceased, or to have a wedding.

The younger generation, as well as the older members of the tribe, could not answer the question «How old are you?» They are all happy children of the sea and the sun, they do not watch the clock. Although I have met those who have documents. As you know, it is always good under the roof of your house. Even if the roof is skilfully intertwined palm leaves.

As a rule, young Bajao do not go to school. They don’t have to sit out their pants at the desk. Even to putting on pants in the sea is not always necessary.

Sea-born don’t speak English. But it seems to me that I managed to understand that recently it is becoming more and more difficult for gypsies to fish with nets and hooks, they have to resort to the help of dynamite. While the men operate boats and fish, the women cook and wash the laundry. Even girls can do all their homework with ease, and of course, they don’t even dream of washing machines. Maximum — about a new trough… (read more)

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