Most expensive liquids in the world: TOP-5

  1. Blood of horseshoe crab (or horseshoe crab)

Costs $ 53,250 per gallon.

The case when they pay very well for blue blood, unfortunately for its owners. What makes this liquid so special? There is no hemoglobin in it, and hemocyanin, which contains copper, plays the role of an oxygen carrier. Because of this, the blood acquired its unique blue color.

But the main thing is that the blood of horseshoe crabs contains a substance called coagulated. It is able to determine the presence of bacteria in the body and immediately collapses upon contact with them; amoebocyte cells are responsible for this reaction. In this case, harmful microorganisms are captured in an irreversible blood clot. This feature of the horseshoe crab organism helps it to effectively fight diseases. It also makes him a valuable contributor to medical research.

Thanks to the blood of the horseshoe crab, scientists were able to obtain the LAL reagent. With his help, doctors can determine the presence of bacterial toxins in medicines.


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