Most expensive jewelry in the world

  1. Necklace «Blooming Heritage»

Heritage in Bloom is worth $ 200 million.

The most expensive diamond necklace in the world was created by the Chinese jeweler Wallace Chan and combines features of Eastern and Western cultures. It has a complex design of hundreds of parts, and some of them share a «common ancestor» — they were created from the Cullinan Heritage diamond weighing 507.55 carats. In the center of the necklace is a pure 104-carat diamond (also part of the Cullinan Legacy), and a total of 598 pink diamonds, 10,953 small white diamonds and 24 large diamonds were used to create this triumph of wealth and beauty. Chan also used green jadeite and hundreds of white jade beads, which were encrusted with diamonds. And since the weight of thousands of stones is difficult to support, the Legacy Blossom frame is made of lightweight titanium.


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