Most expensive jewelry in the world

Of course, wealth and luxury are distinguished by precious stones — diamonds, emeralds, rubies. Jewelry is inherited, considered magical items, special connoisseurs of luxury collect many jewelry and precious stones, giving unrealistic sums for them. You may have a question, what does the most expensive jewelry in the world look like and how much does it cost? The answer will not belong incoming, we will gladly provide it.

  1. Blue Oppenheimer

It was sold by Christie’s for $ 57.5 million.

One of the most expensive jewels in the world weighs 14.62 carats. Much of the Blue Oppenheimer’s history is shrouded in mystery, except for the fact that it was mined somewhere in South Africa, probably in the early 20th century. The diamond was presented to Sir Philip Oppenheimer, whose family has long controlled De Beers. He purchased the stone as a gift for his wife, although details of when it happened and how much it cost are not known. In 2016, Christie’s auctioned the famous rectangular-cut blue diamond for auction. It took only 25 minutes to be acquired by a buyer who wished to remain anonymous.

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