Most Beautiful Royal Names: Female

What cannot a person live without? What delights our ears more than euphonic melodies? Of course, our own name. Many are interested to know what beautiful royal names exist. Indeed, in our time, the theme of kings and kings is popular. There is something attractive about these «supermen». People love to create idols for themselves. They really want to know what the royal beautiful names mean, female and male. Aristocratic, imperial and royal dynasties passed certain names from one generation to another. A list of royal names will be presented in this article. In our time, the «monarchist» theme is very popular.

English royal female names

Anna. Everyone knows the name of Anna Stewart, who was the Queen of England, Scotland, Ireland. She was born during the reign of her uncle Charles II, who had no children of his own. Over time, Anna herself became the ruler (1702). She had five children, but they all died in infancy. It was Queen Anne who was able to unite England and Scotland.

Victoria. The last representative of the Hanoverian dynasty was Queen Victoria, who ruled Great Britain for 63 years. She became the heir to the throne in 1837. Immediately after her coronation, coins were issued with the image of the new ruler. She donated personal funds to benefit the hungry. The years of Queen Victoria’s reign were marked by the flourishing of science, culture, industry and the army. Margarita. In 1930, Princess Margaret, sister of today’s Queen Elizabeth II, was born. She was a very charming woman, but fate prepared her loneliness. She was always in the shadow of her sister. She was cheerful, cheerful and sociable, similar to the actress Audrey Hepburn. She shocked society and relatives by going in spite of, doing everything for her pleasure. She was called the «rebellious» princess. She had many gentlemen, but there was no consistency in the relationship. After a stroke in 2002, she was gone. Charlotte. A member of the British royal family, the fifth granddaughter of Queen Elizabeth is Charlotte of Cambridge. She was born at St. Mary’s Hospital in 2015. On her birthday, she receives gifts from around the world. Elizabeth. This royal female name is known on both sides of the Atlantic. Elizabeth II is a symbol of Great Britain, its former might of the empire. She seems to be very restrained and unflappable in any life situation, for which she was named «stone lady». During World War II, Elizabeth was in the ranks of the self-defense squad. In 1947, she took an oath of loyalty to her people. She had four children. Prince Charles is the heir to the English throne… (read more)

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