Longest eyelashes in the world (records)

— Muin Bachonaev — 3.5 cm The first and so far the only Russian in our rating to be included in the Russian Book of Records. The three leaders are opened by the seven-year-old Muscovite Muin Bachonaev. From early childhood, the boy was already very different from all other children: even in the maternity hospital, people specially came to look at the baby. At the age of 4, Muin’s eyelashes were 3.5 cm long. You also need to take into account that as the boy grows, his eyelashes also grow. So the young Muscovite shows great promise and in the future may become a new super-record holder. As mentioned in the article, the length of the eyelashes is due to heredity. However, Muin’s parents cannot boast of such a “fan”. Therefore, it is quite justified to call him «the miracle boy.»



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