Leonid Agutin bought a villa in Spain.

While the country is struggling with coronavirus restrictions, recovering from the global lockdown, many Russian celebrities do not deny themselves anything. For many celebrities, life is just beginning, restrictions are lifted, which means that you can fly to foreign countries and have a good rest.

This was also hinted at by Leonid Agutin, who showed photographs of a brand new villa purchased in southern Spain.

According to the singer himself, he has been waiting for this day for almost a year so that he can walk through his possessions with his own hands and brag about them on social networks. Agutin is used to living in a big way, not saving money, but the coronavirus caught him at the moment when he was in Russia. He simply did not have the opportunity to travel abroad.

Agutin admits that it was really hard to understand that you can afford to go anywhere, but stay locked up in one place. Now Agutin hopes to fully restore his flights overseas, visiting as many different places as possible.

In the meantime, you can enjoy photographs of Agutin’s villa, which he took himself and posted on his pages on social page… (read more)

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