For everyone will be warmer soon: 10 beautiful photos that demonstrate the full power of a smile

If all people began to smile a little more often — just imagine how much better our world would become! Because a smile is a very serious force! In 2013, Australian traveler and photographer Jay Weinstein saw the smile that changed everything. This meeting began his long-term photo project, So I asked them to smile, in which he takes portraits of strangers in different countries before and after they smile. The Dalai Lama once said: «Just a smile. This is the beginning of opening your heart and showing compassion to others. A smile changes everything — not only mood, but even perception. Jay Weinstein’s shots show that a smile is unique to every person, and that it is sometimes difficult to know how beautiful he is until he smiles… (read more)

TO WATCH PHOTOS: (10 pictures)


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