Fell from the sky: how an african survived, flying 9,000 km to London on an airplane landing gear

Poverty and despair make people flee in spite of mortal danger. A free rider from South Africa survived, flying 9,000 km to London at 60 C. He traveled by clinging to the landing gear of the plane. His companion could not stand the difficult flight and fell just a few minutes before landing at Heathrow Airport, crashing to death. The surviving African lay in a coma for six months, but came to his senses and told the sad story of fleeing poverty in his native country.

Themba Cabeka, 30, hung out for 11 hours, holding onto the wheels of the plane. Thus, a man traveled from South Africa to London in 2015. The illegal passenger was found already at Heathrow Airport. He was in a coma for 6 months after a life-threatening journey. When the African came to his senses, he said that his best friend tried to fly to Great Britain with him, but could not resist and fell from a height of 1,500 m.

Temba tied himself to the plane with an electric cable wrapped around his arm. A British Airways airbus took off from Johannesburg on June 18, 2015. Shortly after takeoff, the man lost consciousness due to lack of oxygen. So Temba and his friend, Carlito Vale, embarked on their first plane trip. They tried to escape poverty. Unfortunately, Carlito could not resist and fell just a few minutes before landing. His body was found in an air conditioning unit in an office block in Richmond, 10 kilometers from Heathrow Airport… (read more)

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