Soviet beauties


In the Soviet Union, there were no concepts of «glamorous diva», «sex symbol» or «show business star», but the most beautiful women of the 20th century in the USSR conquered the audience with their natural attractiveness and brilliant talent. Many of them were known not only at home, but also abroad. In the sixties, for example, the French magazine Candide included Natalia Kustinskaya in the list of the ten most…


The most beautiful women of the 20th century.


The main beauties of the USSR Discuss Edit article 1 Theater and film actresses, models, singers, public figures — these women are distinguished not only by their exceptional beauty, but also by their fortitude, self-confidence and ambition. They achieved a lot in life, and their appearance drove crazy, excited the imagination and made the hearts of fans beat faster. The beginning of the century the most beautiful women of the…


Most Beautiful Royal Names: Female


What cannot a person live without? What delights our ears more than euphonic melodies? Of course, our own name. Many are interested to know what beautiful royal names exist. Indeed, in our time, the theme of kings and kings is popular. There is something attractive about these «supermen». People love to create idols for themselves. They really want to know what the royal beautiful names mean, female and male. Aristocratic,…


Prague Wax Museum


Prague … an amazing city full of ancient palaces, majestic cathedrals and many museums. Moreover, most of them are interesting, thematic, and each exposition can be considered a separate attraction. This city values the spirit of the country so much and cares about the past that two wax museums in Prague are located not only in the same district, but even on the same street. Let’s try to find out…


Stanley Park in Vancouver is an evergreen oasis.


Stanley Park is located in Canada, in the city of Vancouver, the largest forest park. It is an evergreen oasis that borders modern buildings in the downtown area. Stanley Park has an area of  about 405 hectares and is large in comparison with the famous Central Park, located in New York. Its history and sights will be described in the essay. History Stanley Park, located in Vancouver, Canada, is the…


Elephants in Thailand: interesting facts


Elephants in Thailand are an integral part of the kingdom. For Thais, these majestic animals are a symbol of deity. However, even elephants can be cute, not just purring-squeaky wads of fur. We are in a hurry to share with you interesting facts about elephants in Thailand. Elephants are one of the most remarkable animals, and this is not due to their size. The developed intelligence of gray giants is…


Saudi Arabia: Laws and Punishments


Saudi Arabia: Laws and Punishments — read more on laws of Saudi Arabia are strict and binding for everyone, including visitors. The public practice of any religion other than Islam is illegal, as is the intention to convert others. Nevertheless, the Saudi Arabian government allows the private practice of other religions than Islam, so it is possible to bring the Bible into the country if it is intended for personal…


Why do the Japanese fold the end of toilet paper into a triangle?


Why you need to be more careful when you see this (for example, in a hotel) Those who have been to Japan at least once, most likely, had to observe rolls of toilet paper with the ends bent in the form of a triangle. This is found not only in Japan, but also in some countries in Asia and Europe. What does this mean? Why should a person who notices…


Why do children lie?


It’s not just children who lie. Scientists have found that an adult can lie 3 times in 10 minutes of communication, and not even notice it. Naturally, children understand this very quickly and adopt this sad experience. Children begin to lie and understand all the benefits of lying quite early: at three or four years old, a little person lies almost enchantingly. Fear Most of the children begin to lie…


Natasha Koroleva is ripe for a new relationship.


In the summer of 2020, it became known that the popular Russian couple Koroleva and Tarzan were going to part on the grounds that Sergei Glushko had cheated on Koroleva with another woman for several years. This became known from Tarzan himself, who confessed to the Koroleva of treason. The story did not end there. Television broadcasts are literally mired in this story. Koroleva and Tarzan began to be dragged…