Balinese rice fields


There is nothing more beautiful in the Balinese landscape than rice terraces. As well as there is no more difficult and low-paid labor, like growing rice. On average, rice matures in five months, most of the time in the water. They plant it in water in order to avoid direct sunlight, as well as protect it from weeds. The fields are drained just before harvesting. Bali has a very well-developed…


Paradise places with the world’s clearest water


Few things are more inspiring than the prospect of diving into the crystal clear waters of the sea. Unfortunately, most of the world’s water supplies are polluted, and garbage floats in the seas. But there are still untouched corners on the ground. For example, the Blue Spring in New Zealand, where water has been filtered through the soil for over a hundred years and appears on the surface as one…


Millions on Stones: How an American Made a Fortune Collecting Meteorites


While hundreds of adventure lovers roam the planet in search of treasures, American Mike Farmer collects them right under his feet. These are not gemstones, but they can be worth millions of dollars. A man has been looking for meteorite debris for several decades. He had to find himself in life-threatening situations more than once, but this game is worth the candle — the profit from the sale of space…


China builds a magical treehouse hotel


If you were lucky enough to visit a tree house as a child, then you probably remember how cozy it was. Remember or experience this feeling for the first time at the wonderful Tree House Cabins in the middle of the breathtaking mountain scenery of Hangzhou in China. A unique and incredible project was created by architects in the Hangzhou province: the architectural company WH Studio built an entire “village”…


Outlandish Tribe


Sea gypsies. All their lives they roam the waves between the Philippines, Malaysia and Indonesia, they spend their lives either in boats, fishing and pearling, or in houses on stilts near the coast. Bajao live in community. They are faithful to the laws of their ancestors. In search of good prey, they can wander in the sea for many days, sailing ashore only in order, for example, to celebrate the…


Top 5 most impressive observation decks in the world


The glass floor over the abyss and the dancing bridge, the crashing of waterfalls and the piercing wind, futuristic views of Tokyo and Hong Kong. What else can you see and where to walk, climbing on top? We talk about the roofs of skyscrapers, bridges in the crowns of trees and balconies, where one climbs for the sake of dizzying views. 1 Sky Walk Observation Deck, Austria The winds on…


5 secluded islands with virgin nature


In 1704, the Scottish sailor Alexander Selkirk, at his own request, was landed on the island of Mas a Tierra. He lived on it for the next 4 years, his story formed the basis of Daniel Defoe’s novel «Robinson Crusoe». If you decide now to follow the example of the sailor and retire on the island, you will have to seriously strain yourself in search of such land: since 1877…


Recent World Records in Sports


There are few people who are indifferent to sports. The overwhelming majority not only watch football matches, the Olympic Games, but also zealously support their favorite team. However, few people know about the records, which often remain unbroken. — Physical culture after a while was reborn from simple fun into a serious, large-scale industry. Sport is not only a fight with an opponent, but also a test of one’s own…


Soviet beauties


In the Soviet Union, there were no concepts of «glamorous diva», «sex symbol» or «show business star», but the most beautiful women of the 20th century in the USSR conquered the audience with their natural attractiveness and brilliant talent. Many of them were known not only at home, but also abroad. In the sixties, for example, the French magazine Candide included Natalia Kustinskaya in the list of the ten most…


The most beautiful women of the 20th century.


The main beauties of the USSR Discuss Edit article 1 Theater and film actresses, models, singers, public figures — these women are distinguished not only by their exceptional beauty, but also by their fortitude, self-confidence and ambition. They achieved a lot in life, and their appearance drove crazy, excited the imagination and made the hearts of fans beat faster. The beginning of the century the most beautiful women of the…