TOP 5 Most Expensive Cigars in the World

The cigar has always been considered more than just a way to relax and release a smoky cloud — it was an indicator of wealth and good taste. Many famous historical figures made cigar smoking a real ritual. For example, Winston Churchill went down in history as the owner of a «strategic stock» of cigars in his country house, which numbered about four thousand copies. Real cigars are made exclusively by hand using selected tobacco leaves. The price of such pleasure is not affordable for every connoisseur. So, how much will the most expensive cigar in the world cost, and who could afford to let thousands of dollars go down the wind?

5.Gurkha Black Dragon — $ 1150 per cigar

It’s not every day that you get a cigar in a camel-bone box. Again, it’s not every day that someone tries to sell you a $ 1,150 cigar. Once considered the most expensive cigar in the world, Gurkha Black Dragon is made from an ultra-premium blend carefully seasoned to create a sophisticated palate with a touch of spice and oily notes. These cigars are considered collectibles.


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