Most expensive liquids in the world: TOP-5

What comes to your mind when you say «the world’s most expensive liquids»? Perhaps molten gold or some other noble metal? In fact, there are more expensive liquids in the world, and in this rating, we will tell you about them.

Since the selection is based on data from foreign publications, the price is indicated in dollars per gallon (from 3.7 to 4.5 liters, depending on the country of use).

  1. Chanel Nº 5

A gallon of this perfume costs $ 23,300.

The most popular perfume in the world, once presented by Coco Chanel herself, has a powdery floral scent with a delicate and sensual trail. And their high price is explained not only by the popularity of the brand but also by the cost of raw materials that are required for the production of this perfume.

The bottle itself and the perfume over the years have become a symbol of pop culture and art. In 1954, in an interview with Marilyn Monroe, a journalist asked what she wears when she goes to bed. The actress’s response was later turned into the slogan of the perfume advertising campaign: «A few drops of Chanel Nº 5».

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