5 greatest inventions of Leonardo Da Vinci

History has preserved many brilliant people who, with their ideas, looked into the future for many centuries. Unfortunately, during the years of their lives, technologies and materials were at a rather low level, which did not allow them to embody all amazing ideas in reality. The great inventions of Leonardo Da Vinci made a splash all over the world, but they remained projects on paper (sketches, notes, and diagrams). In fact, the craft of an engineer was to invent, not created by hand, so practically no invention has served society. The developments became known posthumously or in the form of modern plagiarism projects. Consider how Leonardo da Vinci anticipated his era with unique and useful inventions.

  1. Diving suit

Da Vinci’s concept of destroying enemy watercraft included the creation of special diving suits for saboteur swimmers. Brave guys could breathe in them, using an underwater «dome» with air. People wore masks with glass niches through which it is possible to contemplate what is happening underwater. Another version of the costume is the use of wine bottles instead of the dome, which were also filled with air. At the same time, the scientist suggested that swimmers «arm themselves» with some containers in which you can urinate while staying underwater for a long time. It is noteworthy that the miraculous costumes were really created, but did not find application, since the Venice fleet successfully defeated the invaders without the need for underwater «partisanship».

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