The most expensive coffee in the world: prices, photos

The most widespread invigorating drink in the world is coffee. This popularity is due to its permissible in most religions, the presence of caffeine, which stimulates the brain, and a unique aroma. According to statistics from the site, instant coffee in 2020 can rise to $ 36.3 billion in the global market. This indicator is influenced even by those who buy the cheapest coffee. We have also prepared a ranking of the most expensive teas in the world. And if you have the desire and opportunity to taste a very rare, unusual, and valuable coffee, then choose any option from this list of the most expensive coffees in the world in accordance with your budget.

  1. Saint Helena Coffee — $ 79 per pound

The great Napoleon Bonaparte was an avid fan of this coffee and grew it on Saint Helena, which explains its name. The island is located in the Atlantic Ocean, 1800 km from the west coast of Africa. Therefore, the transportation costs for transporting coffee are high, which is one of the reasons for the impressive price tag. However, lovers of this brand are more than ready to fork out, as the drink has a unique caramel flavor with citrus hints… (read more)

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