TOP 5 Largest animals in the world

The lord of all living things is Homo Sapiens. Looking at the giant animals that live on our planet, people become just specks of dust in this mortal world. I propose to look at these huge creatures that quietly pace the Earth.

  1. White rhino ≈ 2.3 tons

An old joke about a rhino says that he has poor eyesight, but at such a large size, this is no longer his problem. Indeed, these giants do not particularly rely on sight. Even hearing plays a secondary role. The sense of smell in white rhinos is very well developed. So don’t approach it from the upwind side. By the way, unlike their smaller counterparts, black rhinos, white ones usually run away when they see a person. Black rushes to the attack. Due to the uncontrolled extermination of white rhinos, the northern subspecies has disappeared. This happened very recently, in 2018, when the last male named Sudan died. So now we can only admire the photos of these largest animals in the world. The southern population still exists. The question is: for how long?

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