Actresses who were ballerinas

In order to stay in the busy cycle of Hollywood, an actress must be very versatile and versatile. Other talents besides the skill of reincarnation in the frame will also be a huge plus. Many women who are part-time singers, dancers, comedians, politicians, etc., try on a variety of roles. Today we will devote attention to unusual girls who initially relied on ballet in their lives. Yes, yes, the beloved Hollywood actresses once gladly (and some even without it) put on a tutu and pointe shoes, fluttered like a “swan” on the stage and delighted the audience. Someone predicted a good future and career, while others felt uncomfortable in the classroom. Let’s take a look at the TOP 10 Hollywood «swans» who have been real ballet dancers for some time in their lives.

  1. Natalie Portman

Not surprisingly, for Aronofsky’s masterpiece Black Swan, which was released eight years ago, the director invited Portman to play the role of the young prima. Her character is a ballerina, who is the central figure in the production of Swan Lake, against the background of which she begins to slowly lose her mind. Portman had to lose a lot of weight for the sake of this role, but it is not the first time for her to maintain an elegant shape, because she has been studying ballet since the age of 4, and she still takes amateur lessons. Yes, Natalie is a real ballerina, who is sometimes compared to another talented dancer of this genre, Audrey Hepburn.

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