Longest eyelashes in the world (records)

Every girl, without exception, dreams of thick hair on the eyelids. Have gorgeous eyelashes — the standard of beauty at all times. However, not all female representatives have luxurious eyelashes, because heredity is directly related to the quality of the hairline. Women most often treat eyelashes as an adornment, so they come to such a service as extension, while males do not think about it. Some men, or surprisingly animals, are even listed in the Guinness Book of Records for the length of their eyelashes. The longest natural eyelashes in the world for men, women, as well as animals are presented to your attention.

— Doe In every culture can be found a great variety of legends and myths associated with the doe. At all times, this beautiful deer was treated like a totem animal. Fallow deer is associated with gracefulness, feminine nature and tenderness. For good reason. Just look at her luxurious thick eyelashes! Although this is not an attribute of beauty, but only a means of protecting the eye from drying out and dust particles, such cilia cannot leave anyone indifferent… (read more)

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