Wonders of the World: Shilin Stone Forest in China

In the southwest of China, in the Yunnan province, there is a unique place — the Shilin stone forest. It is often called «The First Miracle of the Celestial Empire.»

According to scientists, the stone forest was formed over 200 million years ago. Previously, this place was the sea, and thick layers of limestone settled. But as a result of tectonic movements, the stones came to the surface. Year after year, water and wind gave these stones an increasingly refined shape, transforming some into figures resembling animals, birds and even people. A more romantic version of the formation of a stone forest among the local population. According to legend, the stone forest appeared thanks to a giant hero who really wanted to build a dam for his people. At night, he began to move huge stones with the help of tools stolen from a local wizard. But when the sun rose, the magic power of the tools was gone, and the stones remained lying, scattered throughout the valleys.

Shilin Stone Forest covers a huge area — a total area of ​​350 square kilometers. It is divided into seven parts: large and small stone forests, Naigu stone forest, Qifeng Cave, Zhiyun Cave, Moon Lake, Long Lake, Da Dieshui Waterfalls… (read more)

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