Away from the hustle and bustle of the world: 3 most secluded hotels on the planet

Those who do not like to relax in noisy places should definitely visit these hotels located in the most secluded places on the planet. Here, no one will disturb your peace and you can enjoy solitude and unity with nature. However, to get to some of them, you need a private jet. Find out where the most remote hotels in the world are from our material.

The most remote hotels in the world offer a haven for those tired of the noise and hackneyed routes. Some of them are located tens of kilometers from the nearest city, far from the bustle of the world. These hotels are hidden in deserts or mountains, away from civilization. And some of them can only be reached by private jet.

Despite the fewer amenities, guests have an amazing opportunity to enjoy the beautiful views of nature. From Scotland to Antarctica: Introducing the world’s finest secluded hotels.

  1. «Awasi Patagonia», Chile… (read more)

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