Paradise places with the world’s clearest water

Few things are more inspiring than the prospect of diving into the crystal clear waters of the sea. Unfortunately, most of the world’s water supplies are polluted, and garbage floats in the seas. But there are still untouched corners on the ground. For example, the Blue Spring in New Zealand, where water has been filtered through the soil for over a hundred years and appears on the surface as one of the cleanest on the planet. Another example is the Sua Ocean Trench on the volcanic island of Upolu in Samoa. This is a depression 30 meters deep. The stairs lead down to the platform, from where you can get to the crystal clear underwater grotto. Among the places with the cleanest waters on earth, there is not only a tropical paradise, but also regions such as Iceland or Antarctica.

Blue source in Putaruru, New Zealand. Here water is filtered through the soil for a hundred years and only after that it gets to the surface as one of the cleanest on the planet. The local council forbade swimming in the spring, but you can watch it from above.

Cocos Island off the coast of Costa Rica is the largest uninhabited island in the Pacific Ocean. Scuba diving is very popular here, and you can guess why… (read more)

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