Why do children lie?

It’s not just children who lie. Scientists have found that an adult can lie 3 times in 10 minutes of communication, and not even notice it.

Naturally, children understand this very quickly and adopt this sad experience.

Children begin to lie and understand all the benefits of lying quite early: at three or four years old, a little person lies almost enchantingly.


Most of the children begin to lie out of ordinary fear. About 2/3 of children begin to learn the art of lying to avoid parental anger or punishment.

There is nothing strange about that. All people try to hide their flaws. Only adults are more likely to correct the mistake quickly. Children most often do not have such an opportunity: the child will not be able to glue a broken vase or buy additional candies eaten by accident.

Sometimes children lie to avoid unnecessary scandal or boring lectures about things that are of no importance to them (not a folded briefcase, not eaten soup).

Meeting the expectations of adults

Surprisingly, a great love for your own child can also cause children’s lies. A child who has not lived up to the expectations of his parents can lie only in order to take a worthy place in their eyes and prove that he is worthy of love and gifts.

Protecting of their own space

For most teenagers, lying is the only way to go against parental authority, become a “free” person, and expand their comfort zone. This is a kind of reaction to parental care and one of the methods of increasing self-esteem.

Children often lie to avoid psychological abuse. Despite all their attempts to «free themselves», they remain dependent on their parents or teachers. They can be forced to do what they are completely uncomfortable, unprofitable, or unwilling to do. Lies in this case becomes, perhaps, the only defense against the cruelty of the world… (read more)

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