Singer Natalie rode without a mask in the Moscow metro.

During the spread of Coronavirus infection, many people began to observe a self-isolation regime, intentionally minimizing the risk of infection. By such actions, people reduced the risk of their own infection, and also did not spread the infection further, without endangering their relatives and friends.

Now the scale of the epidemic is still huge, but the hype in the media has subsided, and the huge numbers of infections do not frighten many.

However, there are those on the Russian stage who do not believe in Coronavirus and are ready to prove their point of view by hook or by crook, as well as the fact that people are mistaken for fear of this disease.

Singer Natalie decided to prove by her own example that nothing would happen to her, even if she spent more than an hour in a public place, and never put on a mask during this time. She will breathe clean air, and the disease will not even touch her.

With these thoughts in mind, Natalie reported that the other day, she had been traveling in the Moscow metro for more than two hours without a mask. Not only did no one recognize the artist, but she also reported that she feels great. No changes were noticed in her condition.

True, the network did not support her boasting. According to listeners, because of people like Natalie, cases of infection are growing to this day, if all people took precautions, the virus would have been defeated long ago… (read more)

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