Baskov has a young girlfriend

Everyone heard about the new released track by Baskov and Tik-Toker Dani Milokhin, for Nikolai Baskov it was not just a chance to declare himself again, to bring himself to a new level, but also a joint work helped the singer find his love. Nikolai Baskov became a often visitor to the Tik-Toker‘s house, where he found a girlfriend, the celebrity is not embarrassed by the huge age difference with his lover. The singer himself does not confirm and does not refute the rumor, which makes it clear that after all he has changes in his personal life.People from the  Tik-Toker‘s  house do not directly name the singer’s chosen one, but they confirm that Nikolai Baskov often appears in their house, and we can conclude that he appears there not because of the recording of a new song with Dania Milokhin, but because of a new passion.

Friends of the famous singer do not approve of the actions of Nikolai Baskov, they believe that their friend deserves more than an relationships with a young girl. From the explanations of friends, we can conclude that Nikolai Baskov really got carried away by a young girl and his intentions are much more serious.

We can only guess who the new girlfriend  of Nikolai Baskov is, how serious his intentions are, or is it his next move to be heard by public. We will wait for the statements of the singer himself in the near future… (read more)

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