5 the most efficient natural energy

Maral root (Leuzea safflower)

In Altai, folk healers have been using this plant for more than two hundred years. And they helped to discover this valuable root and its medicinal properties of maral deer. During the rutting season, in the fall, they dug up and eagerly ate these roots.

Modern medicine advises the use of Leuzea during periods of high fatigue, heavy physical exertion, decreased performance, functional disorders of the central nervous system, when insomnia and loss of strength are tormented, and even with alcohol dependence. All preparations based on Leuzea improve general health, memory, attention, and normalize blood pressure levels.

Maral root is recommended to be taken during exams, in preparation for serious competitions, in recovery from serious illnesses and injuries. It can be taken as an infusion, detox, tea, and then you are guaranteed a charge of vigor and endurance.


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