5 the most efficient natural energy


A special place in our rating is occupied by this amazing drink, which tastes like herbal tea. This is a favorite drink of the indigenous population of Latin America, and, of course, there are many legends about it, about its magical properties. Europe learned about this ethnic tea in the 16th century. He was immediately loved for its properties, because on long travels, long voyages, this drink helped maintain strength, gave vigor and saved from scurvy and fever.

At home, mate is drunk from morning to evening — quenching thirst and gaining strength. Its chemical composition includes about two hundred components. It is rich in vitamins, organic acids, bio flavonoid, tannins, micro and macro elements, antioxidants.

Mate is made from Paraguayan holly (young shoots and leaves), and most importantly, the raw materials are not subjected to any processing. It is simply dried and crushed. It differs from tea in that it can be brewed several times, and the true taste is revealed only after the second brewing — the drink becomes tastier and richer. One of the main active substances, matein (an analogue of caffeine), therefore mate is very invigorating and tones, you will definitely not fall asleep with it. In addition to a huge amount of nutrients, special attention is drawn to the vessel from which mate is drunk — this is a calabash, it is made from a gourd-pumpkin, and the drink is drunk through a tube with a strainer at the end. It is important to remember that this tea has contraindications, so if you decide to seriously get carried away with mate, be sure to consult your doctor.


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