5 interesting facts about pregnancy

1. The child gets food before the mother Everyone says that the expectant mother should eat for two. Of course, we are talking about the use of more vitamins and minerals and not food as such, and this is justified since the formation and development of the embryo leave the «best» components from the body. If the need for calcium is not replenished, for example, in women, the risk of fractures increases, muscles and ligaments hurt more often, and tooth enamel is destroyed. If you are going to diet during pregnancy, then remember that the child in any case will receive the maximum amount of nutrients from the mother’s body, even at the cost of your health, and sometimes life. Pregnancy is one of the objective reasons that it’s time to take care of your diet and saturate it with exceptionally healthy food. These are the amazing processes taking place in the body of the expectant mother. Remember that bearing a child is a huge work and, in some sense, sacrifice, so take care of pregnant women, help them with weights, give up your place in queues and transports, and do not shake your nerves in vain.


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