5 things people regret in old age

  1. Fears

Fear puts us in a dependent position. We can depend on other people, things, events, time, work, illusions, and much more. Fear does not allow us to take risks, it bombards us with doubts and rationalizations that have nothing to do with the true state of affairs. And the truth is to follow the dictates of your heart. Talk about feelings without fear of refusal, ask for forgiveness from those who supposedly cannot forgive, go to work that may not immediately bring money, go on a trip alone, without waiting for a “suitable company” to appear. Older people regret fear most of all because they could not follow their true dreams. The main thing to remember is that while you are alive, time and opportunities remain. Yes, even if they are not what they were before, but there is always a chance to change a life. This is proved by the experience of 70-90-year-old people who for the first time travel around the world, go in for sports and even get married. But it is best to grab the «Fire bird» by the tail while it flies by, rather than looking for it through the fields and forests at the end of life.



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