5 post-apocalyptic places in major cities of the world

Films often paint to us what cities turn into after the apocalypse. However, to see it live, you don’t have to wait at all — even in large cities there are places that seem to have come off the TV screens. They will be discussed in our post.

  1. School number 186, Manhattan

In the best years of School No. 186 in Manhattan, it was impossible to think that one day this building would look more like shots from I Am Legend. Companies are working across the street, all the parking lots are occupied by cars, and people are carelessly walking along the sidewalks. In the meantime, all the entrances to the school are boarded up, and trees are making their way through its windows — for 40 years the building has been unnecessary to anyone, and inside it you can find only rubbish… (read more)

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